FAQ Covid IT



Scaduta la validitá dello stato d´allarme e delle misure di contenimento straordinarie del governo centrale spagnolo, il potere di determinare le limitazioni al lavoro e alla mobilitá resta nelle mani delle comunitá autonome, nel nostro caso Aragona.

Come risultato della situazione attuale, Algatec - FEHERGA determina in tutti i nostri articoli e nelle loro versioni un PERIODO di consegna previsto, questo PERIODO di consegna può essere influenzato da ritardi nell'intera catena di preparazione, spedizione e consegna di ogni ordine o acquisto.

Il Covid-19 è una pandemia e quindi interessa l'intera filiera produttiva dal suo inizio fino al consumatore finale, potendo modificare i tempi di consegna previsti per ogni ordine

Dal team Algatec - Feherga lavoriamo ogni giorno affinché questo periodo programmato non venga modificato non appena è nelle nostre mani. Ti chiediamo di effettuare i tuoi ordini in anticipo.

Grazie per la tua comprensione.

I nostri migliori auguri a tutti, dal team Algatec - Feherga






Important update on our service March 29, 2020, according to ROYAL DECREE LAW 10/2020, OF MARCH 29, 2020

Dear customers, following the latest developments and the measures introduced by the Government of Spain for the COVID-19 emergency, we want to provide you with all the useful information about our service.

First, we want to assure you that the health of our customers and employees is our priority. We are following all official indications of the World Health Organization (WHO): our facilities are constantly disinfected and we have adopted specific separation measures within our warehouses so that our employees can work safely.

Stay safe and focus on taking care of yourself.

We have considered that our activity is very important but not essential in these moments of world health crisis.


What has changed?

Our service is still guaranteed after April 9, and after that date we will continue to send regularly.

The delivery time detailed during the purchase and in the first confirmation of your order is the estimated one. The days of Mandatory Stoppage by the Government of Spain decreed are from March 20 to April 9 included.

Algatec will begin issuing orders on April 13.

Now we are working from our homes and we continue to be attended from our customer service emails.



How can I know if an article is available to me?

You can easily see it in the article's own tab, under the BUY button the expected delivery time is detailed (the days of mandatory stop are considered even if they are working days). This term data also appears in the first order confirmation email.



Are shipments made regularly?

Yes, we ship regularly starting Monday, April 13 and take care of your purchases, making deliveries worldwide every day after the Mandatory Stop.


Are there any delay in our Deliveries ?

All deliveries will be made regularly, slight delays are possible after the mandatory stop due to the accumulation of shipments made. We may experience minimal delays for some items in dislocated warehouses. We'll keep you updated and you can always take advantage of our email support.



Can I still return my products?

Of course! If you are not satisfied with your purchase, we will help you organize the return of your order.



Can I Cancel my order? 

Of course! If you want to cancel your order before being sent, you can write an email to the order confirmation email. Our online support team will answer your questions.


Remember that if you want to contact us for an order already made you can contact the order confirmation email

If you want other information you can contact the attention email of the web hello@groupalgatec.com

Thank you for being responsible and staying home to beat this virus. Algatec team